MilicicGames Corp. Apps

Magrelinho Runner 1.2
Página no facebook:ça o máximo de pontos que conseguir, pegando bolinhas e desviandodas pedras com o Magrelinho Runner!Tambem será possivel jogar com o Mancha, diferentes niveis dedificuldade conforme voce aumenta os pontos!Try to make a max score, catch balls while you avoid rock withMagrelinho Runner!Would be possible to play with Mancha, different level ofdifficulty while make score!Niveis de dificuldadeLevels of Difficulty0 pontos: Easy100 pontos: Medium250 pontos: Hard400 pontos: Very Hard600 pontos: Insane750 pontos: Extra InsaneApertar o botão para pularDeslizar o dedo para cima ou para baixo para movimentar ocachorroPush the button to JumpSwipe fingers up and down to move dogFacebook page: as many points as you can, catching balls and dodging rockswith skinny little runner!Also be possible to play with Spot, different levels of difficultyas you increase the points!Try to make a max score, catch balls while you avoid rock withskinny little runner!Would be possible to play with Spot, different level of difficultywhile make score!Difficulty levelsLevels of Difficulty0 points: Easy100 points: Medium250 points: Hard400 points: Very Hard600 points: Insane750 points: Extra InsanePush the button to jumpSlide your finger up or down to move the dogPush the button to JumpSwipe fingers up and down to move dog